

Senators are the village leaders. Chiefs are in fact the Teuton leaders, corresponding to the Gaul Chieftain, the Roman Senator and the Natarian Emperor, and they have the same function. Chief is also a general term to refer to all of the tribal leaders and as a verb (e.g. I chiefed his largest village). Because of this usage it is more common to hear all tribal leaders referred to as simply "Chiefs".

Chiefs are expensive in both time and resources to prepare for, research, and train, but remember that they take fewer resources and less time than Developing A New Village to 300 population. Thus, a chief should be used on a village of at least 300 population, and preferably 500 or greater, unless there is some further strategy behind the village chiefed (e.g., a key enemy village, or a valuable cropper). Teutonic chiefs are 20% cheaper and train 20% faster; their research is also 20% cheaper and 20% faster, in addition to requiring only a level 5 rally point.

Prerequisites: Rally Point level 10 (5 for Teutons), Academy level 20. Additionally a level 17(16 for Teutons)Warehouse and a level 16(level 15 for Teutons) granary are needed to store the resources to train the chiefs.

Where Are Chieftains Made?[]

They are made in the Palace or Residence after they have been researched in the Academy. They are only available for creation when the Palace is at Level 10/15/20 or Residence is at Level 10/20, and if that expansion slot has not already been filled. Chieftains like the other tribes chiefs should be accompanied by a large force, alone the chiefs are not very strong but are very expensive. Usually multiple chief attacks are required to successfully conquer an enemy city, as each Chief usually lowers loyalty between 15%-30% per attack (the morale bonus due to population difference will affect chiefing percentages).

The chief's special power is only triggered when all of the following conditions are met:

  • A successful normal attack is made on an enemy village; raids do not suffice.
  • The enemy village does not have a Residence or Palace.
  • The enemy village must not be the other player's capital or the only village they have remain. ^*^
  • The attacker has enough Culture Points to support another village.
  • Attacker and Defender must not have belonged to the same alliance within the last 48 hours.

A successful chief attack will lower the loyalty of the enemy village by an amount which depends on the attacker's tribe and whether there is a great celebration underway in the chief's home village or the enemy village.

Tribe Loyalty decrease
Gaul 20-25%
Roman 20-30%
Teuton 20-25%
Natar 100%

A great celebration in the chief's home village adds 5% to the chief's effectiveness, while a great celebration in the enemy village subtracts 5%.

If the loyalty of the enemy village reaches zero, it is conquered, and becomes the property of the attacker.

^*^ Capital village cannot be conquered or "chiefed". In Travian version 2, the capital village can be conquered if the player owns 4 or more villages and the Palace is destroyed. This rule has been changed since version 3.

Chief vs. Chieftain[]

There is some confusion about whether the Teutons have a Chieftain or a Chief, using opposing terms in the separate guide:

These problems also no doubt come from earlier translation efforts which were riddled with errors.

See also[]
